Navigating Complex Regulatory and Political Landscapes
Understanding Our Clients’ Needs
Driving Initiatives Forward
Creating Strategic Solutions
Delivering Results
Our vision is rooted in three fundamental principles: first, fostering civic participation, which means empowering individuals to actively engage in the democratic process and have their voices heard. Second, we are committed to improving access within communities, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background or circumstance, can participate in shaping policies and regulations. Finally, we place great importance on aligning with elected officials and key decision makers, forging partnerships to collaboratively craft solutions that benefit society as a whole. These values serve as the cornerstone of our mission, guiding us towards a more inclusive and informed future where government policies and regulations are designed to serve the greater good.
Strategic Solutions
Our values help us guide connections with our colleagues, clients, and communities.
Political and Regulatory Navigation
Through Effective Policy Advocacy, Cooperation, and Experience.
Local, State, and Federal Connections
Building strong community ties for impactful outreach
Expert Strategic Navigation
J.E. Strategies excels in decoding complex landscapes, forging alliances, and influencing outcomes.
Local Relationship Cultivation
The power of relationships
is at the heart of everything we do.

Our Services
Public Affairs
Navigating policies, nurturing relationships for strategic influence in ever-evolving political landscapes.
Government Relations
Strategic management of interactions and communication between clients and government officials.
Community Outreach
Forging strong local connections, fostering understanding, and facilitating collaboration within diverse communities.
Skillful advocacy to influence policymakers and ensure your voice is heard effectively.

Joshua Englander
Joshua Englander is a distinguished leader at J.E. Strategies, bringing a wealth of forward-thinking perspectives and extensive expertise in government relations to the table. With a proven track record, he doesn't just promise success but consistently delivers it. His remarkable career spans across government, non-profit, and the private sector, encompassing work at the local, state and federal levels throughout California, the Western United States, and Washington, D.C.
With over two decades of professional experience, Joshua has consistently delivered impactful results. He is widely recognized as a thought leader in key areas such as transportation, affordable housing, healthcare, and government procurement strategies. Joshua Englander's contributions and insights have made him a respected figure in the field of government relations and policy development.
Suffolk Construction: Led to $720M P3 project, reshaping San Diego's infrastructure landscape.
HNTB Corporation: Elevated transportation thought leadership with strategic government relations.
LA Metro & More: Influenced policies, shaped projects for LA's transportation evolution.
State of California: Leveraging relationships for positive statewide policy changes.
US House of Representatives: Fostering informed discussions on vital national issues.

Team Engagement
Establishing robust ties with local officials and agencies to foster mutual understanding and partnership.
Alliance Building
Creating influential collaborations that drive impactful transformations, harnessing collective strengths for positive outcomes.
Stakeholder Alignment
Navigating diverse perspectives to unite stakeholders towards common objectives for societal progress.
Agency Collaboration
City of L.A.
Collaborated on key urban development projects, advancing the City's growth.
L.A. Metro
Strategic partnerships, securing funding for transformative transit initiatives.
Shaping regional infrastructure through cooperative dialogues.
Strategic influence on transportation policies across Southern California.
Engaged in initiatives that impact energy and water services.
CA High Speed Rail & BART
Influencing transportation policies on a statewide level.


Email: joshua@je-strategies.com
Tel: 310.386.6881